Monday, April 1, 2013

Camp Nanowrimo 2013: Mercenary Heart

I'm participating in Camp Nanowrimo this year. To keep me motivated about word count, I'll be posting whatever I've written each day here on Wordsmith Works. I won't bother editing anything. Since you know, it's quantity over quality this month. I'll leave the editing for May. Here's a bit about the upcoming 50k(ish) words.

Mercenary Heart
The war-torn lands of Dasir have known the tyranny of mage-lords, the peace of a wise and just king, and now they know war. The former mage-lords have regained power and revolted. The king's forces of mundane soldiers fight a losing war against unbound destructive magic. The peasantry struggle not only with their daily drudgery, but the ravages of war, the fallout of magic, and the cruelty of armies. Dasir's neighbors watch passively to see which side will be the victor. The world is one where selfish survival is the way of life. Lexnia Guerrin-Blackshire is a former mercenary turned criminal. Forced to choose between enlisting in the royal army and an execution, she finds herself among an undisciplined squad of misfits. Trapped in a war she doesn't believe in, she tries to find a way out of her sentence, only to find her way into conspiracy and an unwanted love.

Here's to 30 days of writing!

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